Spring Is In The Air On Corfu

Spring is in full bloom here on Corfu, meaning summer is just around the corner. The air is warming but still crisp in the morning and early evening. The sun is climbing higher and higher into the sky and businesses start opening up from their winter hibernation.

Have you planned your summer trip yet? There are some amazing deals out there, especially for flights to Corfu, so get booking! Our taxi bookings have really started coming in, especially for May. If you’re coming to Corfu this summer or know someone who is and you need transfer to your resort, we’d be more than happy to help.

Also, our friends over at Corfu By U (
www.corfubyu.com) have tons of information on holiday packages, Corfu Villa rentals, Corfu flights and Corfu accommodations. Go and have a look, I’m sure you’ll find something you’ll like.
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